What is a USB Cable?

The term USB stands for "Universal Serial Bus". USB cable assemblies are some of the most popular cable types available, used mostly to connect computers to peripheral devices such as cameras, camcorders, printers, scanners, and more. Devices manufactured to the current USB Revision 3.0 specification are backward compatible with version 1.1.
Detail of USB Cable Construction
The USB cable standard allows for these advantages over serial cable types:
USB cables are "Hot Pluggable", in other words you can connect and disconnect the cables while the computer is running without fear of freezing the computer
USB cables are fast, transferring up to 480Mbps. Compare that to serial communication which transfers data at about 20Kbps
USB cables carry power as well as signals. This allows for "USB powered" gadgets as well as recharging batteries in cameras and other USB peripherals
USB cables are designed with several distinct connector types, making it easy to identify which plug goes into the computer and which plug goes into the peripheral device
USB cables are a universal standard and are fairly easy to find and to afford